Yukon Canoe & Kayak Club 2002-2003

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Photo by Jillian Rogers (c) Yukon News.


Newsletters: Fall 2003 (387kb)

Spring 2002 | Winter 2002

Annual General Meeting
Riverview Hotel

May 8, 2002 7PM

Previous Executive: 2001-2002

1. Acceptance of previous minutes

2. Bob Daffe presented the President’s Report

3. Treasurer Report by Bill Curtis was handed out.

- Moved by Violet Vanhees and seconded by Bob Daffe

4. Director Sea kayaking Report- Gary Morgan

CRCA report- Gary Morgan

YCKC has been loosely associated with the CRCA

Ingrid Wilcox mentioned how the Water Walker festival was a great money maker and good for businesses to advertise. It was through the CRCA that we got these films.

Trevor Braun said that CRCA has tripled the cost for instructors. It’s not viable for him to put on a CRCA course if he has to pay another $12 per student.

5. Director of Whitewater Report by Violet Vanhees

There was a long discussion about having a single event membership, having a single event membership for the rodeo and down river race only or sticking with the present $20 for all club events.

There was a vote and the majority voted in favour of the amendment that Yukon Canoe and Kayak Club establish a one-day membership for the rodeo/whitewater festival and the down river race, and that this amount not be considered part of any future purchase of a full membership.

Vernon Beebe- Rock the River Report

Millennium Trail report- John Quinsey

Eyvi Smith- Youth at Risk Program

Eyvi Smith, Andy Hyde and with the help of Bob Daffe are teaching youth to raft guide

Vernon Beebe and John Quinsey will go to the Open House of the new pool and see what we have to do for kayak and gear storage.

Gary Morgan offered to go through the membership list and mail a copy of the newsletter to all those who do not have e-mail.


Bob Daffe nominated Violet Vanhees for president, which she accepted and Brian Bell seconded it.

Theresa Landman nominated Yannick Bedard for shared VP Whitewater Kayaking which he accepted and Karine Belanger seconded it.

Bob Daffe nominated Eyvi Smith for shared VP Whitewater Kayaking which he accepted and Brian Bell seconded it.

Yannick Bedard nominated Gary Morgan for VP of Sea Kayaking which he accepted and Theresa Landman seconded it.

Violet Vanhees nominated Bill Curtis for Treasurer which he accepted and Vernon Beebe seconded it.

Ingrid Wilcox nominated Muguette Laflamme for Secretary which she accepted and Violet Vanhees seconded it.

Violet Vanhees nominated Vernon Beebe for Director of Rock the River which he accepted and Theresa Landman seconded it.

Gary Morgan nominated Theresa Landman for Director of Communications which she accepted and Violet Vanhees seconded it.

Gary Morgan nominated Karine Belanger for Director at Large which she accepted and Vernon Beebe seconded it.

Positions of VP of Canoeing and another Director at Large are still vacant.

Executive 2002-2003

Meeting was adjourned at 10:00pm.

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